Every actor must understand how to use the tools of their trade. This stand is designed to explore and develop the actor’s tools that allow them to shine! If you are just starting out or are looking to sharpen your skills, this is the class for you
Through self and collaborative exploration, students will develop skills in all aspects of acting. During this four-year course, students will investigate stagecraft, voice, movement, text, improvisation, and performance within focused units of study. Students will be assessed and evaluated through rubrics, portfolios, self-reflection, and group reflection. If Sunset is not your home school apply to our communication magnet program in addition to your Theatre Audition.
Acting: Year One
In year one, students build towards a fully realized role in a public solo live performance. Students are armed with techniques they will need to create believable performances. The class will also focus on relaxation techniques and stripping away anxiety. Students also learn ensemble building skills and grow collaboration skills.
Acting: Year Two
In your second year, what we are primarily concerned with is an invigorating mix of large playful release and observation skills. You spend time getting to know how your body, including your voice, imagination, and feelings are released through the elimination of tension/muscular holding. Scene study begins in the second semester of your second year.
Acting: Year Three
The third year of training represents the transition from technique to application. Hopefully, we will have (sensitively) stripped away the habits you brought into school as First Year students, and now you can work together as an ensemble with a shared vocabulary. Your skills and applications are brought to a new level: “beats” in Scene Study will take a leap into the craft and objectives of an entire scene; you will be introduced to the technique of speaking Shakespeare and verse; you will learn hand-to-hand combat to armed combat and so forth.
Acting: Year Four
In the final year of training, we work to tie together all the strands of your training to prepare you to enter the colligate world. To this end, there's an increased emphasis on individual tutorial work, specialized dialect work, and coaching in connection with productions. Important classes include working to help you begin taking charge of business affairs and learning how to audition, as well as your many options in the world of theatre, film and television. There are additional workshops to broaden your sense of collaboration. You also have the opportunity to work on-camera. In addition, there is on-going selection and preparation for your final scenes for your showcase presentations.